How Forming Oils Help Solve The Oil Mist Problem

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Oil mist is a common problem with technology manufacturing. This problem is often not brought up because it isn't visible. When you must cut or shape metal, and during the grinding and polishing process, oil mist typically forms. In closed environments, the oil mist will linger and can be a health risk for employees. They can potentially lead to the formation of cancers. Because of the health problems of forming oils, you must reduce exposure of your employees to these oils.

The Problem with Oil Mist

In addition to potentially causing health problems, oil mist can stick to various surfaces and can increase the risk of slips and falls. A work environment might become more difficult to use. Fortunately, there are several tools you could implement that would reduce the risk of oil mist.

Oil Mist Collector Solutions

There are several oil mist collectors you can implement. These include:

When the mist passes by negatively charged plates, the mist is attracted to the plates. These electrostatic precipitators stop the spreading of oil mist. The spiral collectors last longer and rely on an air stream to pull oil mist to the bottom of the spiral. The centrifugal collectors are the most advanced and uses a filter that rotates and spins, collecting mist inside. Oils can actually be collected and reused. However, the problem might be with the type of oil you're using in the first place. You might need a forming oil.

Forming Oil as a Solution

One way to reduce oil mist is to use multi-purpose forming oils. These oils come with special additives intended for the forming process and to lubricate machine elements. Forming oils have minimal oil mist. As a result, they create a better working environment. Forming oils are used for formed parts that have very sophisticated shapes. They are very cost-effective and can be easily implemented.

Why You Should Consider Forming Oils

Forming oil does not have many aromatic components. As a result, your employees will not be exposed to as many noxious odors. Low aromatic content reduces the burdening of the working environment. It also does not contain chlorinated additives.

Forming oils reduce consumption as a result of drag out of a lubricant on the surface of a part. They reduce wear and tear on machine components and can increase the life of a tool. Machines that use forming oils operate more cleanly and efficiently. Therefore, not only will you have a better work environment, with less oil mist, but your equipment will last longer.
